It is not your fault

The biggest thing that I can tell you if you find yourself the victim of revenge porn is that IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT. 

I often shake my head when I read comments about victims of revenge porn. For example - "People who send nude photos deserve their photos to be on the internet" was only one of the cringe-worthy horrifying comments I've read among hundreds. 

To see people bash the victims of revenge porn instead of holding the low life character accountable who would post the nude photo(s) or video of someone unsuspecting is beyond me.

Victim blaming is just as bad as the despicable person who posted the nude photo(s) or video in the first place.

Revenge porn is NOT the only crime that many people pass judgement on. If you often read the news - you'll see a number of negative opinions.

We can get the victim blame left, right, front and back by people we know and people we don't know but at the end of the day it's still your truth.

Nobody knows your story except for you.
Nobody has walked in your own shoes except for you.

You don't need to accept anyone's judgement on something they have not lived.
What happened to you is not your fault.